Get Involved

Get Involved!

Please pray that God would be glorified by our work. Pray for continued protection and provision for all our volunteers and families in San Lorenzo, and the communities we have served during this time of crisis. We are asking God to give us wisdom in developing programs that honor him and lift the community in a sustainable way, maintaining the dignity and independence of each participant.

Stay Informed
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with the most recent One Way activities and prayer needs. Sign up for our newsletter for a monthly update of our goals and accomplishments.


Support our programs with monthly donations or give to specific projects. You can designate your donation to any current project or give to support the Guatemalan staff. General donations will be applied to the most urgent needs. All One Way Community staff and Board members are volunteers. All donations go to program costs and to our minimal administration costs. One Way Community US is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations are tax deductible in accordance with tax law.


There are three ways to give…

Join us in Guatemala and assist in the day-to-day work of One Way Community. We can help arrange individual visits to San Lorenzo and One Way Community for several hours to several days. Contact us to discuss current options for volunteering.